Kabul Sapphire Cover Photo

About Us!

Kabul Sapphire Trading Company is one of the largest hand-cut and rough precious stone providers in Afghanistan. This company painstakingly and gently extracts its gem stones from mines to ensure their quality and size. Usually, large mining companies destroy their gems while extracting them from the ore using large machines. Since we do not use expensive machines for extracting gems, we can offer our gems at a lower price with superior quality and size. In addition, the gems of this company are extracted from the best mines of Afghanistan, which guarantees high quality and value that you will not find in any other company.

Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide high-quality gemstones that are ready-to-set to companies and private customers, either in Afghanistan or around the world. In this way, Kabul Sapphire company can empower mine workers, better serve Afghanistan, and become a leading player in the field.

Our Mission

Our mission is to simplify the process of purchasing valuable gemstones under one roof. We will build trust and honesty by offering high-quality gemstones to all of our customers and continue to serve our society by offering employment and opportunities.

Our Motivition

We are highly motivated to offer you a satisfying experience, and to ensure what we mentioned in our vision and mission.